Amiga Format CD 44
Amiga Format CD44 (1999-08-26)(Future Publishing)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1999-10].iso
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Text File
481 lines
; ASCII source version.
; The tokenised version is in the dev/basic/BlitzFileID.lha
; archive on Aminet.
; IMPORTANT : This needs Blitzlibs:amigalibs.res
; specified in the Compiler Options "Resident" box.
XINCLUDE "BlitzFileIDIncs.bb2" ; This is supplied in
; the archive, along with
; an ASCII version.
; BlitzFileID :
; A set of functions & statements for using FileID.library
; By James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
; FileID.library is (C) 1993-1998 by Oliver "Bloodrock" Lange
; $VER: BlitzFileID v1.2 (27.12.1998) James L Boyd
; Functions and statements included
; ( F = function ; S = statement )
; CheckLib {} F - Checks availability of any library.
; RecTypes {} F - Number of file types known by the
; fileid.library.
; AllocFileInfo {} F - Allocates FI_FileInfo structure, ie.
; set library up to examine file(s).
; MUST be freed by calling FreeFileInfo {}
; before quitting.
; ExamineFile {} F - Examines file (duh)...will return
; an error code if something's wrong.
; GetError {} F - Returns FileID's built-in error string,
; using the value from ExamineFile {}.
; GetCustomError {} F - Returns programmer's own error string,
; using the value from ExamineFile {}.
; FileTypeNumber {} F - File type ID number, eg. #FID_LHA,
; which is 71 - an LHA archive. The values
; are listed in BlitzFileIDIncs.bb2.
; FileTypeName {} F - File type name, eg. "ZIP archive".
; TypeFromNumber {} F - Returns file type string from number.
; You supply a valid fileid.library
; ID number, and it'll return the file
; type string.
; FreeFileInfo {} S - Free FI_FileInfo structure allocated
; by AllocFileInfo {}. MUST be called
; before program ends!
; Most functions have built-in "debugging" - they tell you
; if you haven't allocated a FI_FileInfo structure (ie called
; AllocFileInfo {} ) and put up a requester. This can only
; appear while your program's in development, so it won't
; ever appear to your user if it doesn't appear to you!
; Simple usage of this set of functions :
; 1) Check for the FileID.library on user's system,
; by calling CheckLib {}. Quit if it's not there.
; 2) Set up the library for use by calling AllocFileInfo {}.
; 3) Use the library to examine the file, by calling
; ExamineFile {}.
; 4) Find out what the file is by calling FileTypeNumber {}
; or FileTypeName {}.
; 5) Repeat steps 3) and 4) for as many files as you like.
; 6) Tell the program you've finished with the library
; by calling FreeFileInfo {} - this is important!
; See the demos for practical examples.
; Frees the FI_FileInfo structure if it's been set up
; by the AllocFileInfo {} function.
; Example usage :
; FreeFileInfo {}
Statement FreeFileInfo {}
SHARED *FileInfo.FI_FileInfo
If *FileInfo
FIFreeFileInfo_ *FileInfo
Else Request "Programmer Error!","Programmer Error!||You haven't called AllocFileInfo {} !","Doh!"
End Statement
; Returns pointer to library if successful (not useful!)
; or False (0) if library/version not available.
; This is NOT dependant on FileID.library - you
; can use it in any program, for any library!
; libv can only be an integer - no sub-versions!
; (OS choice, not mine!).
; Example usage :
; If CheckLib {"reqtools.library",38} = False Then End
Function.l CheckLib {lib$,libv.w}
If *lib
CloseLibrary_ *lib
Function Return *lib
End Function
; Returns pointer to FI_FileInfo structure if successful,
; or False (0) if failed. Must be freed before program ends
; by calling FreeFileInfo {}.
; Example usage :
; If AllocFileInfo {} = False Then End
Function.l AllocFileInfo {}
SHARED *FileInfo.FI_FileInfo
Function Return *FileInfo
End Function
; Reads start of file to try and determine type.
; If you get any value returned which is NOT zero,
; an error has occurred - supply the value to GetError {}
; to find out what's wrong.
; REMEMBER - you want it to return a false (0) value !!!
; Example usage :
; If ExamineFile {"C:Copy"} <> False Then Print "Error"
Function.l ExamineFile {fil$}
SHARED *FileInfo.FI_FileInfo
If *FileInfo
error.l=FIIdentifyFromName_ (*FileInfo,&fil$)
Else Request "Programmer Error!","Programmer Error!||You haven't called AllocFileInfo {} !","Doh!"
Function Return error
End Function
; Returns the file type's number (from the FileID includes).
; the result is of a word value.
; Good if you don't need the string, if you just wanted
; to check a file was an IFF before loading, for example.
; ( eg. #FID_ILBM = 19 )
; The constants (file type numbers) are listed in the
; BlitzFileIDIncs.bb2 file.
; Example usage :
; If FileTypeNumber {} = #FID_LHA ; #FID_LHA = 71
; Execute_ "lha x example.lha RAM:",0,0
; Else Request "","Not an lha file!","OK"
; EndIf
Function.w FileTypeNumber {}
SHARED *FileInfo.FI_FileInfo
If *FileInfo
Function Return *FileInfo\FI_ID
Else Request "Programmer Error!","Programmer Error!||You haven't called AllocFileInfo {} !","Doh!"
End Function
; Returns string containing file type according to
; the result of ExamineFile {}.
; ERROR CODE FROM ExamineFile {} !
; ExamineFile {} MUST return 0 before this is called!
; YOU must check it! See the demo!
; Example usage :
; If ExamineFile {fil$}=0 Then Print FileTypeName {}
Function.s FileTypeName {}
SHARED *FileInfo.FI_FileInfo
If *FileInfo
Function Return Peek$(FIGetIDString_(*FileInfo\FI_ID))
Else Request "Programmer Error!","Programmer Error!||You haven't called AllocFileInfo {} !","Doh!"
End Function
; Returns a string when given a file type number/constant,
; as listed in BlitzFileIDIncs.bb2.
; Using RecTypes {} will give you the highest number
; available - use numbers from 0 to RecTypes {}.
; See DEMO2 for a working example.
; Example usage :
; Print TypeFromNumber {#FID_LHA}
; (above line will print "LhA/Lharc archive")
Function.s TypeFromNumber {no.l}
SHARED *FileInfo.FI_FileInfo
If *FileInfo
Function Return Peek$(FIGetIDString_(no))
Else Request "Programmer Error!","Programmer Error!||You haven't called AllocFileInfo {} !","Doh!"
End Function
; Returns the fileID.library's built-in error string for
; the error which has occurred (a non-zero number returned
; by ExamineFile {} ).
; Only call if you get a non-zero value returned
; from ExamineFile {} !
; Example usage :
; If error <> False Then Print GetError {}
Function.s GetError{}
SHARED *FileInfo.FI_FileInfo
If *FileInfo
Else Request "Programmer Error!","Programmer Error!||You haven't called AllocFileInfo {} !","Doh!"
Function Return error$
End Function
; Allows you to set your own error strings to be returned
; ONLY if ExamineFile{} returns a non-zero value.
; Example usage :
; If ExamineFile {"T:xx"} <> False Then Print GetCustomError {error}
Function.s GetCustomError {error.l}
If error = False
Request "Programmer Error!","Programmer Error!||You've called GetCustomError {} with no error code!","Abort!"
Select error
; these are the values returned : just go through the
; Case sections changing the strings to suit your tastes...
; From BlitzFileIDIncs.bb2 :
; #ERR_FILOCKFAILED = -1 ; couldn't get entry lock.
; #ERR_FIEXAMINEFAILED = -2 ; couldn't examine entry.
; #ERR_FIOPENFAILED = -3 ; couldn't open file.
; #ERR_FIOUTOFMEM = -4 ; out of memory.
; #ERR_FIREADERROR = -5 ; file read error.
; #ERR_EMPTYFILE = -6 ; filesize is ZERO.
; #ERR_NONAME = -7 ; the passed filename is empty.
Case -1
error$="Couldn't get DOS lock on file!"
Case -2
error$="Couldn't examine file!"
Case -3
error$="Couldn't open file!"
Case -4
error$="Not enough memory for operation!"
Case -5
error$="Error reading file!"
Case -6
error$="The file is 0 bytes in size!"
Case -7
error$="No filename supplied!"
error$="Unknown error!" ; just in case ;)
End Select
Function Return error$
End Function
; Returns number of files current library version recognises.
; Example usage :
; Print "Number of types FileID knows : ",RecTypes {}
Function.l RecTypes {}
Function Return notypes
End Function
; FreeFileInfo{}:End
; Uncomment the above line to see the built-in "debugging" !
; Goto DEMO2
; Uncomment the above line to try the second demo.
; To use this set of functions, follow the four easy steps :
; 1) Check for FileID.library's availability on user's system,
; using CheckLib {} function - see CheckForLib label,
; 2) Allocate a FI_FileInfo structure, using
; AllocFileInfo {} function - see AllocStruct label,
; 3) Examine the file(s) required, using ExamineFile {}
; function (see .IDFile label), then use either
; FileTypeNumber {} or FileTypeName {} functions to
; get type of file.
; 4) Free the FI_FileInfo structure before ending program,
; using FreeStruct {} statement - see FreeStruct label.
; Set up demo :
FindScreen 0
MaxLen p$=192 : MaxLen f$=192 : p$="SYS:" ; for file requester
; First, we check for the FileID.library, at least v2 :
If CheckLib {"FileID.library",2} = False
Request "Information","You need FileID.library v2+ !","Abort"
; We got this far, so we can allocate a FI_FileInfo structure :
If AllocFileInfo {} = False
Request "Information","Can't allocate FI_FileInfo structure!","Abort"
fil$=ASLFileRequest$("Select file to identify",p$,f$)
If fil$="" OR f$="" Then Goto quit
If ExamineFile {fil$} <> False ; non-zero value returned?
Request "","Error : "+GetError{},"OK" ; error!
Else Request "","File type : "+FileTypeName{},"OK" ; success!
Goto loop
; Finally, we MUST free the structure :
FreeFileInfo {}
; only works from compiler or CLI!!!
; list all recognised file types :
If FromCLI=0 Then Request "","Only to be run from CLI!","OK":End
#SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C=1 ASL 12 ; Ctrl-C signal
If AllocFileInfo{} ; get a FI_FileInfo structure
NPrint ""
NPrint "BlitzFileID - Listing all known file formats :"
NPrint ""
Delay_ 50
For a=0 To RecTypes{}
NPrint "",Str$(a)+" : "+TypeFromNumber{a}
; quit on Ctrl-C, remembering to free FI_FileInfo structure!
NPrint "":NPrint "***Break - Click mouse!"
Pop For:FreeFileInfo{}:MouseWait:End
Next a
NPrint "":NPrint "Click mouse!":MouseWait
FreeFileInfo{} ; free FI_FileInfo structure
Else Request "","Failed to allocate FI_FileInfo structure!","END"